Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 2009

January 2009

My blogging has obviously slowed way down due to many factors. Packing up my home of 13 years and moving it into a storage unit has been hard; first winter holiday without my Dad; lots of movement over the past month (San Diego, Joshua Tree, San Francisco, Sun Valley Idaho, Montana), installing my show at Sun Valley Center for the Arts, and now preparing for the next couple of months in SF and then Southeast Asia. It feels like I've lived a year in a month.

I think the Facebook craze has factored in some too. Since Facebook added the live feed component in August, it seems people aren't reading individual blogs as much and admittedly my interest in blogging waned with the overload of up-to-the-minute "friend" data. It's a pretty fascinating social phenomenon and like many, I find myself loving it and hating it.

I am trying to wean myself from the time suck site and actually read ... books, and write. I find it pathetic that I've gone from writing 3,000-word essays, to writing blogs, to writing messages on Facebook.

Anyway, here are some highlights of the past month:

Bowling with the Barrios women in San Diego. These women bowl, especially Momma Barrios, who has an entire area of their living room filled with bowling trophies!

Scrabblemania at the Blockstrada's:

New Year's Eve in Joshua Tree (thank you Carolyn and Andrea!) Perfect way to bring in the new year:

Packing up and heading out to Idaho:

Snowshoeing in Sun Valley:


Gloria Steinem in Sun Valley:

Installing the show at Sun Valley Center for the Arts. SVCA rocks! Yet another awesome space to work with -- thank you!!! (Eliza and Cindy helping with install -- thank you!)

Opening for the show (curator Courtney Gilbert, me, Eliza, and Cindy):

me and Matt (ceiling collaborator extraordinaire):

The Grass Is Always Greener finished installation. I'll be posting it on my Projects page in the coming weeks:

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mural Art


I just received my complimentary copy of Kirakoss Iosifidis' new book Mural Art: Murals on Huge Public Surfaces Around the World. An awesome survey of murals across the globe. I'm honored to have been included with my Bungas mural in Yogyakarta Indonesia.

Thank you for including me Kirakoss!