Saturday, March 22, 2008



The past couple of weeks have been disheartening politically with all of the finger pointing and the exhausting accusations around Senator Obama and his pastor. However, I did find Senator Obama's s speech earlier this week to be very inspiring and a breath of fresh air. As I've noted in the past, Obama showed his maturity and integrity in his ability to be measured, respectful, and compassionate -- something that the United States is SO in need of in its next president. I don't find the degree of these traits in either Clinton or McCain, and instead often the opposite.

I remember watching the last debate between McCain and Romney and cringing with embarrassment for McCain as he behaved like a pre-schooler -- even though I've never been a McCain supporter. He also revealed an edge of anger and hatefulness that I remember thinking if he were to ever hold the presidential office, the country could be in even worse shape than it is now. Clinton too has continued to posess such an air of being high strung in her desperation to do anything to win.

The primary has become tired and I think most of us wish it would just end! Obviously, I wish Clinton would drop out, and just as obvious, that's not going to happen. I suppose it's always an option to move out of the country if she takes the candidacy. Perhaps we could start a campaign for a Free Trade Agreement through which we could freely exchange citizens.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008



Following my Dad's and Eliza's visits, I've had to refocus on upcoming projects. Carolyn
Castano and I have a show, This Fever I Can't Resist, coming up at thirtyninehotel in Honolulu Hawai'i in June so we've both been working on preliminary drawings and ideas.

thirtyninehotel is quite large and also serves as a nightclub. Given our interest in context and space, we've decided to work with fluorescent colors and glow-in-the-dark paints.

Floor plan for thirtyninehotel

Carolyn was recently highlighted in Dwell Magazine for a show that she's in at the Los Angeles County of Art (LACMA), Phantom Sightings: Art After the Chicano Movement:

Carolyn's preliminary drawing

Yes, my signature flowers ...

More soon ... I have a lot to blog about on the recent developments in the 2008 campaign.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dad's Dinner Soiree

San Francisco Revisited

My Dad visited me last week in San Francisco. Of course I love my Dad, but he's also one of my favorite people to spend time with; I have such deep respect for his kindness, compassion and intelligence ... and we laugh a lot together.

Many giggles were had going through old photographs -- the more things change, the more they stay the same!

It was great to share San Francisco with him and to hear more of his stories from when he and my mother lived in SF in the mid-sixties. My Dad clerked for Judge James Browning of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Judge Browning is from Belt, Montana and both he and my dad received their undergraduate degrees from Montana State University and their law degrees from University of Montana -- though 20 years apart.

Dad and mom's SF Flat at Bay and Van Ness -- it's still there!

As part of Dad's visit I threw a dinner party in his honor -- with lots of help from Mz. Eliza! I made lasagna and Momma Barrios made pork adobo that she sent with Eliza from San Diego (thank you Leonicia!). Unfortunately, I forgot to pull the camera out until later in the evening after a number of folks had left.

Eliza and I celebrating my new rice cooker (thank you EBX!!!)

Galleon Traders very psyched about the abobo

Ly (looking beautiful and with baby bump) and I happy to see each other after months

Kevin and Jim

Me and Maryann


Dad and Barb

Dad and Maryann

Stephanie and Mike

Ayano and me (the trees are finally blooming!!)

Roomies reunited! (we all shared a room in Manila during Galleon Trade)

Christine: hmmmm ... should I have more adobo or lasagna?

Ayano and Dad

Kevin and Michael


Dad and I (thank you Christine!)

Sharing stories with Dad from Galleon Trade ...

And the stories continue ...

The morning after the party ... Dad loved everyone he met and made the comment that "you can tell the character of a person by the friends they have." Subtext: both he and I have great characters!

It's hard to see, but Dad has a rosary on his knee that Momma Barrios made for him. She actually made three! But Dad had already packed the other two (and this is one that I actually hijacked). Thank you Momma Barrios, this meant so much to my dad!!! (Thank you EBX for the photos!)