Thanks to many people in the San Francisco community we were able to raise $6,400 to send to help with the relief efforts in and around Yogyakarta. I just received the following email from our friend Arie Dyanto:
Dear Megan,
Sorry took a while to get back to you because I just got all the money 2 days ago but I am glad to inform you about your request; I found Gipar (Gipar is a becak driver who has become my friend over the years and wrote to me to ask for help for his village. In 2004 I did a project in which I painted becaks, including Gipars) and deliver the money to him today. I even visited his house in Kujon Village which is suffered from the earthquake, 98% of houses is flattened to the ground. I gave him Rp. 3.000.000,00 I hope it will be enough to survive for few weeks since Gipar got a big family to feed. Suppose thousands of people in the same situation like him.
Here I send you letters about the money and fotos from Gipar’s house, I am not yet sending a detail financial report since Studio Biru accounting procedure is not yet completed. Please forward this letter to everyone if they might want to know where their contribution has been used and distribute.
Gipar's home
Gipar's home
Gipar's home
Gipar's home
Gipar and his nephew
This is the letter to all that helped:
Re: Reconstruction Aid for the Victims of the Earthquake in Yogyakarta
On behalf of YUK! I am extremely grateful for the funds of US$ 6.475.47 that were made available to us. The funds have been used specifically for the items mentioned below:
Received money in Rupiah: RP. 58.558.000,00
- Cemeti Art Foundation, “Aku Oke!” (I am Ok!) project: Rp. 5.000.000, 00
- Mr. Gipar and family (becak driver from Kujon village, Imogiri):
Rp. 3.000.000,00
- Studio Biru + YUK! Reconstruction project: Rp. 50.558.000,00
“Aku Oke!” is an ongoing accompanying project organized by Cemeti Art Foundation, scheduled until October, in order to help kids from the earthquake site to overcome post disaster trauma.
Mr. Gipar was recommended by Megan Wilson to receive US 300 from the funds in order to help him build up his flattened house after the earth quake.
Most of the money went to Studio Biru + YUK!, for their reconstruction project. The money was used to buy house materials and distributed among villages that were surveyed. For a further detailed financial and activity report, Studio Biru will send this after the accounting process is done
We would like to thank Intersection for the Arts and all fellow friends and artists for your assistance in our time of need.
Yours sincerely,
Arie Dyanto
Fundraising Volunteer
Studio Biru + YUK!
Thank you so much to the following:Rainbow Grocery, Megan Wilson, Kevin Chen, Intersection for the Arts, Carolyn Ryder Cooley, Alicia McCarthy, Carolyn Castano, Ann Dennehy, Laurie Lazer, Hang Le Bourque, Maw Shein Win, Leslie Linnebur, Le Beau Market, Melissa Klein, Dan Carlson, Ed Gilbert, Allison Wycoff, Rosy Parsons, Jonn Herschend, Claude Moller, Valerie Wade, Chi Hui Yang, Tia Factor, Amy Berk, Richard Lang, Therese Condit, Nguyen Qui Duc, Matthew Rogers, Mary Teurel, Lise Swenson, Jay Steinman, Paul Jorgensen, Marie Eastman, Rigo, Courtney Fink, Dan Carlson, Curtis Betz, Hadley Holliday, Erik Foster, Nicole Lambrou, Hillary Bleecker, Jill Pfeiffer, Sara Thustra, Peter Whitehead, Aaron Noble
We also received this from Aisyah Hilal of the Cemeti Foundation in Yogyakarta:
Hi there,
This is an email I sent through Arie Dyanto, which needs to be forwarded to Intersection of the Arts. By this email I would like to confirm that Cemeti Art Foundation received the donation funds for AkuOke!, a 4 month (July-October/November 2006) project that responds to the earthquake victims, especially the children (aged 4-14 years) in two villages, Dusun Sampangan, Wirokerten-Banguntapan and Dusun Tegal, Kebonagung-Imogiri, both in Bantul area.
The donation funds received was as amount of Rp 5,000,000 (five millions rupiahs).
We’d like to thank you for this support, and we’ll keep you updated with the general information of the activities and financial report, which would be sent to you in the first week of each month.
With kind and optimistic regards,
Aisyah Hilal
Executive Director
Cemeti Art Foundation | Yayasan Seni Cemeti
Jalan Patehan Tengah No. 37
Yogyakarta 55133, INDONESIA
Tel. +62.274.375 247, Tel./Fax. +62.274.372 095