That's right, my plate has become so full that I've upgraded to a platter!!!
When I returned from Manila, I hit the ground running and it feels as though it's become a sprint. So what have I been up to?
1. I've been working a lot for Family Connections and The Luggage Store. I love both of these organizations and the people I work with, which makes it very enjoyable -- even when it can get a little stressful and down to the wire with deadlines.
Family Connections
The Green Lab on Cohen Alley (Luggage Store)
2. I've been embroiled in a lawsuit, which I can't say anything about ... because it's a lawsuit.
3. I finished a new drawing, to be included as part of Traywick Contemporary's 10th Anniversary from October 20 - December 21. The main show during that time will be Ken Fandell's Of Ignorance
This is the drawing after I finished it -- unframed and photographed from a weird angle, but once I get it back from the framers, I'll get better images taken.
4. I've been working on the Home 1996 - 2008 installation. You can check out the latest images here.
Home 1996-2008 (Bedroom)
5. Found out that Sundance might be interested in having me do an installation during the Film Festival in conjunction with Lise Swenson's short Mr. Gary and the Feedback Show. So I had to put together a bunch of stuff for that.
6. Getting ready to leave for Buenos Aires in a week. I'll be doing several projects -- a writing and video collaboration and an installation. Also will be in Brazil to do some research for a future project. Not many folks are aware of this -- the mayor of Sao Paulo has banned all advertising!!! There can still be storefronts, however there are limitations on the size. Read more here.
So what have I been doing for fun? ......
1. EBX correspondences (looking sooooooo forward to seeing you!)
2. Went to see Jim Goldberg's show The New Europeans -- MUST SEE!!!
3. Watching movies: Fata Morgana and Imelda (for the 2nd time).
Fata Morgana